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Whether its input lag, Vsync, or whatever, this game just doesnt feel right I think another poster was right about input lag being a result of hardware being pushed to its limit.. Problem is its already set to false, perhaps its not working as intended and setting it to true will help I planned on trying it tonight.
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FX 8150 4 4ghzMSI 7970 LightningMSI 890fxaG skill 1600mhz W7Ux64 FCs in contacts.. User Info: ss4gogetadark ss4gogetadark 7 years ago 7 I dont have input lag but sometimes my fps dips hard in this game.. I have noticed such behavior from my 2 similarly performing machines If I cap the 720 resolution setting to run at 30FPS (using Fraps or Dxtory), I still do not notice a delay regardless of the lower FPS rate.. GB DDR3 Nvidia 670 2GB SLI 1TB HD x2 User Info: MysticNessly MysticNessly 7 years ago 10 GoIrish80 posted.. Sadly to the guy who still thinks ATI exists, no the game ignores the driver settings. Ashley Horner Becoming Extraordinary Reviews

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More then enough, and it feels like input lag to me when I play User Info: GoIrish80 GoIrish80 7 years ago 9 Whether its input lag, Vsync, or whatever, this game just doesnt feel right.. Can you turn vsync off User Info: exclusiveburner exclusiveburner 7 years ago 2 I think everyone playing this game is having fps issues.. Display SSAOLevel2 LockTo30true HiResTexturestrue FitToVerticaltrue ParticleShadowstrue HeadlightShadowstrue Scatteringfalse FrameLatency0 MotionBlurLevel0 ReflectionDetailLevel2 LodScaling2 VfxDetail2 ScreenScale0 Brightness0 Contrast0 Width1920 Height1080 GammaRamp0.. The handling isnt very good either and I am using a 360 controller User Info: GoIrish80 GoIrish80 7 years ago 3 If you open up the config file in notepad, theres one line that infers it has something to do with vsync, Im not at my PC right now so I cant say exactly what the line is but its something like force30.. 940 Hardware AdapterNumber0 OutputNumber0 Settings ShadowMapLevel3 Webcam Sound MusicVolume0 SfxVolume8 SpeechVolume8 SpeakerSetup1 Reverb1 Gameplay EnableVibrationtrue User Info: Mr kitty Mr kitty 7 years ago 5 Input lag happen mostly when the hardware is pushed too much also too weak to target close to 60fps.. GB DDR3 Nvidia 670 2GB SLI 1TB HD x2 User Info: exclusiveburner exclusiveburner 7 years ago 4 This is what my config looks like I already set it to lock to 30, it smoothed things out, but still feels like input lag.. ) Boards Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game Turn off Vsync Notify me about new: FAQs Cheats Reviews Questions Add this game to my: Favorites Now Playing Wish List Play Queue Guides QA Board More Home Summary Release Data Game Credits Also Playing Collection Stats Guides QA Reviews Reader Reviews Critic Reviews Media Images Videos Board. e828bfe731